Video Editing

আমাদের কোর্সের মাধ্যমে আপনার ভিডিও মেকিং দক্ষতা উন্নত করুন। কাটিং, কালার করেকশন এবং বিশেষ ইফেক্টের আধুনিক কৌশলগুলি আয়ত্ত করুন। ইন্ডাস্ট্রি-স্ট্যান্ডার্ড সফটওয়্যার দিয়ে হাতে-কলমে অভিজ্ঞতা লাভ করুন, যা আপনাকে পেশাদার ভিডিও তৈরি করতে সহায়তা করবে যা আপনার দর্শকদের আকর্ষণ করবে এবং যুক্ত রাখবে।

Md Mostafizur Rahman
Video editor

About the course

আপনি আপনার ফুটেজকে আকর্ষণীয় কনটেন্টে রূপান্তরিত করতে উন্নত এডিটিং শিখবেন। বিস্তারিত টিউটোরিয়াল এবং হাতে-কলমে
প্রজেক্টের মাধ্যমে, আপনি কাটিং, কালার গ্রেডিং, বিশেষ ইফেক্ট এবং অডিও এনহান্সমেন্ট দক্ষতা অর্জন করবেন।

What will you learn

আপনার কনটেন্ট ইম্প্রুভ করতে উন্নত ভিডিও এডিটিং কৌশল আবিষ্কার করুন। কাটিং, কালার গ্রেডিং এবং বিশেষ ইফেক্ট যোগ করার দক্ষতা অর্জন করুন। অডিও এডিট এবং প্রজেক্টের ওয়ার্কফ্লোতে বাস্তবিক দক্ষতা লাভ করুন, এবং ইন্ডাস্ট্রি-স্ট্যান্ডার্ড সফটওয়্যার ব্যবহার করে আকর্ষণীয় ভিডিও তৈরি করুন যা আপনার দর্শকদের মুগ্ধ করবে এবং আলাদা হয়ে উঠবে।

Master advanced editing techniques

Gain proficiency with industry-standard software

Create polished, professional content

Course content

প্রফেশনাল ভিডিও এডিটিং দক্ষতা অর্জন করতে উন্নত কাটিং কৌশল, কালার গ্রেডিং, বিশেষ ইফেক্ট, অডিও, এবং প্রজেক্ট ম্যানেজমেন্ট অন্বেষণ করুন।

You will learn to navigate and master the Premiere Pro interface, including key workspaces, essential panels, and tools. Understand how to customize your workspace for an efficient editing workflow and harness the full potential of this powerful video editing software.

You will learn to navigate the Premiere Pro workspace, import and export files, use Warp Stabilizer, apply Nesting for organization, and control clip speed for dynamic effects.

You will learn to resolve editing issues, animate positions and scales, create text and shape animations, design a basic subscribe animation, and craft scrolling and opening text animations for a polished, professional look.

You will learn to solve previous class issues and master scale animations, including zoom in/out, popup effects, and scaling with lines. Explore creating animations with both position and scale, apply rotation, use nesting for complex edits, and implement reverse effects for dynamic results.

You will learn to address issues from previous classes and master opacity adjustments, handle text import and customization, apply default transform effects, create text transform and masking animations, and use King Kong effects for dynamic text animations.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, use Essential Graphics to create templates, export them for multiple uses, and set up Photoshop for creating subscribe animations in the next class.

You will learn to resolve issues from previous classes and create a complete subscribe animation using PSD files for a professional and engaging final effect.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, use track matte effects for advanced animations, and create simple shape animations using track mattes.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, master advanced track matte designs and animations, and import track matte videos using Essential Graphics for enhanced effects.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, understand and apply transitions using track mattes, overlay videos, utilize blending modes, and create jump and match cuts for seamless and dynamic edits.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, use advanced transitions, create and save presets, import presets, and design transition presets with masking for enhanced editing efficiency.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, create cool cinematic titles using mirror effects, masking, and other advanced techniques, and design elegant wedding title animations with ornament and floral designs.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, remove watermarks from videos, and eliminate unwanted objects to enhance the overall quality and clarity of your footage.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, manipulate special effects like spaceship animations, conceal faces using mosaic and blur, create glowing face effects with masking and tracking, and design dramatic scenes such as a broken chest in a fight scene.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, apply freeze-frame effects to running videos, and create dynamic intro effects for natoks, including moving character shots, camera clicking sounds, and video effects.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, understand what a green screen is, why it’s used, and how to apply basic green screen effects to seamlessly integrate subjects into various backgrounds.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, handle advanced green screen setups, correct poorly executed green screens, and create dynamic effects like building jumps and water pool walks.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, master color correction using Premiere Pro’s Lumetri Color panel, change video colors with HSL Secondary, and manipulate footage for precise color adjustments.


You will learn to solve previous class issues, perform advanced color correction with Premiere Pro 2019, and create custom LUTs using Photoshop for enhanced color grading and consistency.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, set up audio equipment, record with Audacity and Adation, reduce noise, sync audio, and edit using Essential Sound for clear, professional-quality audio.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, edit audio using Premiere Pro effects, create high-quality audio, and apply techniques like audio ducking and B-roll editing for polished, professional sound.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, understand what sound design is, explore examples of sound design, and apply live editing techniques to enhance your audio projects.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, create time countdown effects in Premiere Pro, use Legacy Title for line progress bar animations, and design graph animations similar to those seen in share markets.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, combine multiple videos into a single clip, create comic-style videos, and integrate wedding album frames into your footage for thematic presentation.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, understand what a slideshow video is, create one using Video Hive templates, and customize these templates to make unique slideshow videos.


You will learn to solve previous class issues, create engaging food menu slideshows, and develop a complete montage slideshow with comprehensive ideas and techniques.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, create ads from PSD files and green screen footage, design map animations similar to Uber and Food Panda, and produce Earth animations. Additionally, get guidelines for installing After Effects and Media Encoder software.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, master all After Effects tools, handle complex text animations and preset links, and create MORGT files for use in Premiere Pro.

You will learn to solve previous class issues, edit Video Hive templates, create custom templates similar to Video Hive, and animate ornaments for enhanced visual effects.

You will learn to solve previous class issues and master shape animations. Apply your skills in the final assignment to create a polished project showcasing your understanding and creativity.

$ 124.99 USD

$ 250.00 USD

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